Resources FAQs
Have a question about bpf’s Resources?
What can I access through the Resource Hub?
- British Psychotherapy Foundation’s library, where you can access online materials, check the bpf’s library collection and reserve items;
- Access online journals (including the British Journal of Psychotherapy) for research and study;
- Networking events: you can view and book events according to region or interest. These are all available to book for members with a discount.
- If you’re currently training with the British Psychotherapy Foundation, you can also access your course materials including timetables, reading lists and other important documents here.
Current trainees
Where do I find the training materials for my course?
All training materials including reading lists and other information can be found in the Resource Hub trainee section here.
I can’t find the course materials?
Your course materials should be in the Resource Hub trainee area of the website. If they’re not, please contact the administrator for your course and they will send your materials. A list of the course administrators can be found here.
I’m technical difficulties with the Resource Hub…
Please contact [email protected]
Where is the British Psychotherapy Foundation library?
We can be found on the first floor at the British Psychotherapy Foundation building,37 Mapesbury Road, London, NW2 4HJ.
Where are your library collections kept?
All of our collections are available on the first floor of the British Psychotherapy Foundation building in the library and committee room. Our secondary sources are available in the library and in the committee room. Primary sources and John Padel Collection are available in the committee room.
Can I book a library tour?
Yes, you can book a tour by contacting us at [email protected]
How do I take a book our when the librarians are not available?
You can borrow books by signing them out on the sheet provided by the library door. Please enter the barcode (from the back of the book) and your details as indicated.
Can I reserve a book?
Yes, to reserve a book, please contact the library at [email protected], providing the book title, author and (if relevant) edition.
Can a book I need be posted to me?
Yes, to reserve a book, please contact the library at [email protected], providing the book title, author and (if relevant) edition.
How many books can a bpf members borrow?
Members can borrow up to six books for eight weeks.
How can I renew my books?
You can renew your books by following the below steps:
- Sign in to the library catalogue (click here to access);
- Select ‘My Account’ within the options;
- Click ‘renew’ to renew the books you have borrowed.
What other resources can I access?
Either visit the British Library, free to join, http://www.bl.uk/ or you can go as a student to the Tavistock (it costs £10 per day).
bpf is also a member of PLUG (Psychotherapy Libraries Umbrella Group) and we have reciprocal reference rights with these organisations below. All of their catalogues are free to browse online. Just email the librarian beforehand if you want to visit.
Institute of Psychoanalysis: http://psychoanalysis.org.uk/
Institute of Group Analysis: http://www.groupanalysis.org/
Society of Analytical Psychology: http://www.thesap.org.uk/
Minster Centre: http://www.minstercentre.ac.uk/
Metanoia institute: www.metanoia.ac.uk
The Anna Freud Centre: http://www.annafreud.org/
New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling: http://www.nspc.org.uk
Westminster Pastoral Foundation: http://wpf.org.uk
AJA: www.jungiananalysts.org.uk
We also belong to CHILL library group, and PLCS (Psychiatric Libraries Co Operative System) – a NHS journal sharing scheme. Just email us any citations of wanted articles that you cannot find elsewhere, and we hopefully will find them for you. Email: [email protected]