Members’ FAQs
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about our membership.
I’m not working at the moment, is there a discount available?
The bpf has a hardship fund for members who are struggling financially. This offers a hardship membership rate and a maternity leave rate. To find out more, please email [email protected] to discuss further.
I am a member and would like to upgrade my membership, how can I do this?
To discuss upgrading, please email [email protected]. Before doing this, please check the membership page to ensure you fulfil the membership requirements.
What memberships are there for those who aren’t qualified or studying psychotherapy?
We have the Associate Member option. For anyone seeking to “dip their toe” into the world of psychotherapy. This membership allows you to attend events and access the British Journal of Psychotherapy, without committing to formal study or being a qualified psychotherapist. You can read more about becoming an Associate Member here.
What membership options are there for those who are studying with the bpf?
We have different options for different levels depending on experience in psychotherapy and what course level (pre-qualification, training, post-qualification etc.) is being studied.
Foundation Member: for those studying one of our pre-qualification courses. You can read more about becoming a Foundation Member here.
Training Member: for those studying one of our professional courses. You can read more about becoming a Training Member here.
For members who are experienced and qualified, either the Professional Membership or Pre-Retirement/Teaching/Supervisory Membership are options. You can view the Professional Membership here or the Retirement/Teaching/Supervisory Membership here.
If I join or re-join the bpf, will I have to pay for 12 months of membership, even if I join halfway through the bpf?
No, membership fees are calculated pro rata for the remaining months of the calendar year for anyone joining for the first-time or re-joining the bpf.
What journals can I access if I join the BPF?
Associates will have access to the British Journal of Psychotherapy.
I am a member and would like to upgrade my membership, how can I do this?
To discuss upgrading, please email [email protected]. Before doing this, please check the membership page to ensure you fulfil the membership requirements.
I’m an Associate Member, why can’t I access the Resource Hub?
The Resource Hub is for training and qualified members, designed to provide specialist support and resources for their training and research. If you’d like to access the Resource Hub, you can apply by studying on one of our courses and applying as a Foundation Member.
When are membership subscriptions renewed?
In March (the subscription year runs from April to March the following year).
What is subscription renewal process?
We send you a reminder in March. If you have not renewed your membership, we send follow-up reminders.
If you have not renewed your membership by 15th July, following the final reminder of the 1st of July, you will be removed from the bpf register and the BPC (British Psychotherapy Council) will be notified of your removal from membership.
Can I reclaim tax on my membership subscription?
Yes, in the UK you can reclaim tax on your bpf Membership subscription if you use your membership to do your job, or it’s helpful for your work. To find out if you’re eligible and how to claim, visit the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) website.
Claim tax relief for your job expenses: Professional fees and subscriptions – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
I can’t access the Resource Hub/can’t login
Please contact the bpf Membership Department either by email or phone via [email protected] or 020 8438 2410 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm). We will respond within two working days.
Can I place my membership on hold if I have a career break?
Your membership is an annual subscription, and it will continue until the date you inform the bpf of your career break. You must inform the bpf as soon as you return to work at which point your membership will be reset from this date at the full membership rate. We will inform the BPC of the status of your bpf membership. It is important that you inform the BPC separately about your career break plans.
How can I pay to renew my membership?
All members can pay via bank transfer, please click here to view our details.
Payments can also be made via our website in the ‘My Wallet’ section of your account in the Resource Hub. All members except Associates can pay via ‘My Wallet.’ If you are an Associate Member, you can view more information about this here.
I’d like to pay by bank transfer
You can pay by bank transfer by using the details below.
British Psychotherapy Foundation
Co-operative Bank
Sort code: 08-02-28
Account number: 68474694
Please quote your surname as a reference on payments made by bank transfer, and email [email protected] to confirm once you have sent the payment. In the email, please quote the reference you used for the payment.
How can I pay via ‘My Wallet’?
- Access the bpf website by typing: https://www.britishpsychotherapyfoundation.org.uk/
- On the top right of the page, you will find the ‘log in’ button.
- Once directed to the login page, please enter your username and password (your username should be your email address).
- Once you’ve successfully logged in, you will have access to the members’ area.
- To make a payment, please go to the ‘My Wallet’ section where you will have access to all previous receipts and pending invoices.
- Payment can be made by debit or credit card via the ‘pay now’ link.
- You may be prompted to complete an extra set of security checks with your bank in a pop-up, after clicking the ‘pay now’ button. Some browsers block pop-ups, but they will often ask if you want to allow the pop-up. Click yes on the notification to allow the pop-up and complete the extra security checks with your bank. The payment will then go through.
- Once your payment is complete, the receipt will be available to print.
I would like to cancel my membership.
If you would like to stop your membership you must inform us, before the end of the current subscription year (which finished in March). We will then ensure that your membership stops automatically, at the end of the current subscription year. We cannot refund the difference between when you cancel and the end of subscription year.
To cancel your membership, please email us at [email protected]
Can I get a refund on my membership?
We do not refund subscriptions, except in exceptional circumstances, at our discretion. If you stop your membership with outstanding membership fees on your account, you may be required to pay those fees before re-joining in the future.
I have outstanding fees on my account, how do I pay?
You can pay by emailing us [email protected]