Membership Benefits
For fully qualified psychotherapists and those studying with the bpf, all of our memberships include:
Access to broad expertise through our three specialist associations: British Jungian Analytic Association (BJAA),Independent Psychoanalytic Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Association (IPCAPA) and thePsychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association (PPA);
Join the bpf directory: once qualified as a psychotherapist, join our Find a therapist directory at no extra cost and receive patient or supervisee referrals from the bpf;
Become part of the developing bpf Clinical Services provision and receive more patients;
Networks: meet others in the psychotherapy community through reading groups and special interest events to build your connections. Or, use our online forum to connect with other members;
Access to all bpf course reading lists: broaden your knowledge and reading with access to all the relevant texts for every bpf course;
Journals: access academic publications and journals. Members have access to our onsite library and online journals including: Infant Observation, International journal of Jungian studies, Journal of Child Psychotherapy, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy;
Access to other organisations resources: browse the catalogue of nine other related, leading academic organisations and visit their libraries. These organisations include: Institute of Psychoanalysis, Institute of Group Analysis and Society of Analytical Psychology;
Discount entry to bpf events: all paid memberships include a discount to bpf events. Develop your knowledge with our exciting events programme of lectures from highly respected individuals, attend online workshops or attend our popular conference;
Mentoring: for career development, guidance on becoming a professional psychotherapist and advice for how to build a thriving practice;
Advice: practical guidance on legal and ethical processes and procedures, including access to our ethics committee from whom you can receive confidential advice;
Access to bpf safeguarding leads;
Access to facilities: book one of our rooms at our offices in London for seminars;
Stay up-to-date with our members newsletter providing information about current research and the latest news in psychotherapy;
bpf directory: once qualified as a psychotherapist, join our Find a therapist directory at no extra cost and receive patient referrals from the bpf;
Free support and guidance from our library team to utilise resources. The library also provides a tailored online induction for members with specific learning and/or accessibility needs;
All fully qualified members can also register with the British Psychoanalytic Council, once they join the bpf.