The deal with wolves: A case history Presented by Julian Masters

This presentation aims to show how, in working with a case featuring both trauma and autism, valuable integrative work may be accomplished by engaging synchronicities, dreams and mythic material within, and without, the therapeutic setting. Open to all bpf Members and Trainees.
Date: 15/05/2025 Time: 20:00-21:30 Venue: Zoom

Event Details

  • Start Date: Thu, 15 May 20:00:00
  • End Date: Thu, 15 May 21:30:00
  • Location: Online (via Zoom)


Open to all bpf Members and Trainees.

This presentation aims to show how, in working with a case featuring both trauma and autism, valuable integrative work may be accomplished by engaging synchronicities, dreams and mythic material within, and without, the therapeutic setting. The talk will track the case of a woman, over several years of therapy, who suffered sibling trauma as a child with disastrous later consequences. The story centres around a disturbing and fateful dream of the patient as an eight-year-old and culminates in a late diagnosis of autism which, being high-functioning, she had successfully masked from everybody – including herself and her therapist.


About the speaker

Julian Masters trained as a Jungian analyst with the BPF (British Psychotherapy Foundation). He currently teaches on BPF’s public dream workshops, MSc course, introductory course and training theory program. He teaches also on the WMIP analytical psychotherapy training in Birmingham. He is a member of BJAA (British Jungian analytic Association) and the IAAP (International Association of Analytical Psychology). He lives in Oxford where he works with adults in private practice. Julian is also a musician, composer and writer.

Julia Ryde will be the Chair for this event 

*If you are a psychotherapist or counsellor residing in an active conflict zone, you are eligible to attend this event free of charge (regardless of whether you are a bpf member or not). Please email membership@bpf-psychotherapy to enquire about a ticket.