Doctor of Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice (DPPClinPrac)
Part-time Course
This flexible and dynamic programme was developed by the bpf in partnership with the University of Exeter. Uniquely designed to be accessible from across the UK (and internationally) the course and trainings offer an excellent standard of clinical and academic teaching delivered by experienced psychoanalytic psychotherapy clinicians, academics and researchers.
The Doctor of Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice (DPPClinPrac) programme provides clinical training as either a Psychodynamic or a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, leading to professional registration with the British Psychoanalytic Council and post-graduate membership of the British Psychotherapy Fellowship. This is a new professional doctorate at the University of Exeter, that has clinical, academic and research components.
- Who is it for
- Course content and structure
- Structure
- Entry requirements
- Cost
- How to apply
- Resources
- Access information
- Contact us
The programme is suitable for people who have an existing mental health qualification (psychiatry, psychology, social work, nursing) as well as for counsellors or those with a serious interest in psycho-dynamic and psycho-analytic models of thinking and work. Applicants should normally have an Undergraduate Degree (or equivalent) and should have some experience of working with in mental health or associated settings.
Successful completion of the Doctor of Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Psychological Therapies Practice and Research (Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Therapy) leads to professional registration with the British Psychoanalytic Council and post-graduate membership of the British Psychotherapy Fellowship.
If you would like to discuss your individual situation, you are welcome to contact us for an informal conversation.
The programme is studied in two stages and includes doctorate-level training in clinical practice research skills:
Stage one
Stage one consists of two years where you will undertake seminars, clinical work with patients, an institutional observation and a small-scale research project. This will be in a challenging environment amidst a supportive community of clinician and researcher peers.
At the end of stage one of the programme, you should be competent to work psychotherapeutically within a psychodynamic/psychoanalytic psychotherapy frame, under supervision, within an institutional setting.
Stage one comprises 210 credits of compulsory modules:
- Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice I
- Clinical Seminars and Reflective Practice I
- Psychoanalytic Theory I
- Institutional Observation
- Psychological Therapies Small-Scale Research Project and Viva
You may exit at the end of stage 1 of the programme, having completed all of the modules, with an MSc academic qualification: a Master’s in Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytic Clinical Practice (MPPClinPrac), but no clinical qualification.
Stage two
Stage two of the programme consists of a further two years of clinical practice, clinical work, observations, seminars, and development of a research project relevant to clinical practice.
On successful completion of stage 2 of the programme you should be competent to practise as either a psychodynamic or a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in an independent, ethical practice.
Stage two comprises 330 credits of modules:
- Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice II
- Clinical Seminars and Reflective Practice II
- Psychoanalytic Theory II
- Developmental Studies and Child Observation
- Dissertation
You can exit at the end of stage 2 of the programme, having completed all of the modules except the Dissertation module, with an MSc academic qualification and a clinical qualification: a Master’s in Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytic Clinical Practice (Clinical Practice) (MPPClinPrac(CT)).
Blended learning
You will have one intensive teaching block week of in-person learning per term throughout the four years (a total of 12). Learning Set seminars, tutorials and supervision sessions can be joined online. Personal therapy, clinical work and observations are carried out face-to-face and locally to you. This means that the programme can be participated in throughout the UK and internationally.
The programme delivery allows participation across the UK and internationally. The training is structured to support students at a distance. There will be an intensive academic block (5 days) once a term attended in person. These are supported by fortnightly Learning Sets taking place at locations across the UK. These Learning Sets can also be joined remotely by Skype/Zoom. Students will undertake their personal therapy, clinical supervision and clinical practice locally to them.
For more information visit the course page on University of Exeter website, but please note that this website is currently under review and restructure. If in doubt, please contact the course directly at: [email protected]
Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced people seeking either to deepen their understanding of the application of psychoanalytically informed ideas and clinical practice within their own mental health discipline or to continue other pathways to train to become a Qualified Psychodynamic or Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist.
Applicants who are unsure as to whether their existing qualifications and experience make them eligible to apply, or who would like advice on how to gain the necessary prerequisites should contact the programme administrator to discuss.
Students will undertake their personal therapy, clinical supervision and clinical practice (all requirements of this course) locally.
Up to date information about fees is available from the University of Exeter website
These fees are eligible for postgraduate loans. For further details please visit the UK government postgraduate loan scheme information page.
Up to date information about the application process can be found on the University of Exeter website
For details on how to apply please click here.
Currently there are no resources available for this course.
The University building and the current learning set locations are wheelchair accessible.
For further information please contact the programme administrator:
Address: Psychology, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Washington Singer, Perry Road, Exeter, EX4 4QG.
Phone: +44 (0)1392 725753
E-mail: [email protected]